The goal of mIDR (Usable Intrusion Detection & Response on Personal Mobile Devices, FCT AAC 02/SAICT/- 2017, project 30347, cofunded by COMPETE/FEDER/FNR) is to develop and evaluate passive modes of security, that can accommodate the social relationships between owners and socially-close adversaries. Unlike unlock authentication, which is an active defense against physical access, passive defenses aim to primarily provide awareness, traceability, and recovery from intrusions; and to only secondarily engage counter-measures like blocking access.


July, 2019
Still on our last paper, the Daily Show by Trevor Noah featured a sketch on the results of our study (See press).
June, 2019
Our CHI 2019 paper gathered intense media exposure (See Press).
May, 2019
Our paper "Vulnerability & Blame: Making Sense of Unauthorized Access to Smartphones" was presented at CHI 2019, the topmost conference in HCI.
December, 2018
Ana Pires joined the project as a PostDoc Researcher.
October, 2018
Diogo Marques presented our research and preliminary studies at the OpenLab, Newcastle University.
August, 2018
Paper on the effectiveness of Smartphone Locks in Preventing Intrusions by Socially-Close Adversaries presented at WAY'18 workshop at SOUPS, in Baltimore.
July, 2018
We were visited by Ivan Beschastnikh for a week. He offered a seminar and we collaborated on our unauthorized access research.
June, 2018
Project mIDR started.

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Sequence Logger
An accessibility service for android that records every interaction with the device. It collects when, what type of action (e.g. click, long click) and where (i.e. application, interface element) the user interacts. Creating a representation of application and device workflows.